Monday, September 8, 2008

What happened?!

Ellison is our quiet baby. When she talks, it's usually so soft that you can barely hear her over Haley's loud mouth! She mostly just coos and smiles. And she usually waits for us to initiate a conversation with her before she says anything. Too sweet.

Well, I guess she got tired of not having her opinion heard, so last Friday, she decided things around our house needed to change. She voiced her opinion. Loudly. And she hasn't shut up since! She stands up in our laps, puts her arms out and yells at the top of her lungs...and boy does she have some lungs! Wow! It was like someone flipped a switch and our quiet little baby disappeared and this wild, opinionated creature took her place!

So now it's a battle of the lungs and I'm not sure who's winning! All is know is that Ellison will not have a problem being ignored or left out - she's making mighty sure of it! You go girl!

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