Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Funny Boy!

Tyler is quickly learning what makes us laugh and is becoming a little clown! We gave him a sippy cup a couple weeks ago and when he tasted the water he got an awful look on his face and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he saw we were cracking up, so he grabbed the sippy cup again and took another big drink...followed by the awful look, then a giggle...and over and over it went! I caught it on video, so I'll try and post it if I can figure it out! :)

He is on the move now! He hasn't figured out how to crawl, so he just rolls around until he gets to whatever he has his eye on! He's actually become quite quick at moving from one point to another, so we have to watch him pretty carefully! We think he will be the first to walk - when we stand him up he gets his legs moving as fast as he can and knows exactly what to do to get where he's going! He hasn't quite figured out how to balance himself yet, but once he does...watch out!!!



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