Elli is our busy body - she sprints everywhere she goes! Her favorite place is the park in Greenville where she can run up and down the ramps all afternoon! We bought a family pass to the zoo and her favorite animal is the monkey...go figure! Her best friend is a little blankie with a pink poodle head on it - her name is "Sassie" and she goes everywhere Elli goes!
Haley is a little "mom" who makes sure the other two stay in line. She'll yell "Elson", or "Tyder" and clap her hands when they are misbehaving. She knows all the rules and makes sure they are enforced! Lately she refuses to go to bed until she has at least 10 stuffed animals with her, and if you forget one (on purpose), she knows. She cries "Elfant, Elfant, Elfant..." until we find her pink elephant!
Tyler is still our little man! He loves driving his 4-wheeler around the yard and was the first to figure out how to steer it so he can drive up and down the paths without stopping! He is a daddy's boy right now...big time! He can't stand it when Jeff leaves the room! He is definitely a boy's boy - he loves cars (ka)and trucks (chuk)and his favorite thing to do is chase us around the house and growl at us!
So the terrible two's haven't been so terrible after all! Crazy, chaotic, exhausting, trying two's for sure, but we wouldn't trade it for the world!
Haley picks out everyone's jammies before bedtime...these are my favorite!
This is what happens when Tyler picks out the jammies. Shirts two sizes too small and pants that match (well, to him they did)!
Yeah - a new blog! The kids are getting so big and sounds like very independent! "Trying 2"s" is great and just think, you get to go through it 3 times - ha ha! I'm so proud that your kids have taken up our family tradition of "dip" - and in our family, ketchup is a vegetable! Hugs and kisses to all and hope to see you all soon!
Aw, Jen, they really are growing up so fast! Seems like yesterday they were all in little car seats lined up by the front door at your mom's house! Thanks for the update...it's good to see you all looking so happy and healthy!
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